
  • Cardio. Swim jets integrated into your spa pool can simulate a lap session at your local pool, a high endurance ocean swim, a demanding 10km run or a fat burning walk down the street.
  • Core strength. Pilates is becoming increasingly popular for developing core strength.
  • Resistance work/ body building. Take a resistance band into yourspa pool and just experiment. During the development of our fluidfitness training system.
  • Toning. Take your core strength training one step further, by introducing a number of upper and lower body exercises to create a smooth, toned body shape.


Most of us build up tension through our postural muscles and the muscles of our back, neck and shoulders. These muscles will often feel worse with rest; they actually respond much better to massage and movement to alleviate stiffness and support the healing process...


Your spa pool will become the hub of your home, enticing all family members to spend quality time together. Aqua play is the perfect way to develop a strong bond with your children whilst playing at their level...


  • Stimulating problem areas. After careful thought about what you want from your spa, we have created our fluidfitness range, with your body in mind.
  • Reduce cellulite. Hydro massage jets, positioned along the length of your legs, increase blood flow and stimulate problem areas of the thighs, buttocks and legs.
  • Sit&sculpt. Relax into a hydrojet powered lounger, designed to work all areas of your body, and let Sapphire Spas do all the hard work for you.
  • Faster results. Exercising in water has added benefits to land-based activity.


Sapphire Spas ‘quality controlled’ manufacturing practices allow us to offer you a ‘lifecare commitment’. This promise guarantees that we will service your spa pool for as long as you have it.
